Village in Rajasthan, India
Khinwasar or Khiwasar is a village in Sikar district of Indian state of Rajasthan. It is located at a distance of 15 km east of Laxmangarh which is village's Tehsil too. It was founded about 200 years back. Village has got some signs of old habitations.
Of 2,240 people, 1,174 are males and 1,066 are females. There are 367 households,[3] making it 6.10 people per household.
Village government
Villages under Khinwasar gram Panchayat are J P Nagar, Poshani, Ramchandra Ka Baas and Panlava.
Khinwasar is connected by a two lane asphalt road to Laxmangarh and Nawalgarh. Nawalgarh Railway station, 7 kilometres (4.3 mi) from Khinwasar is the nearest railway station, which is well connected to Jaipur, Delhi and other cities.
Games and sports
Most of the villagers play Football and Cricket and also host annual football tournaments. Villagers can be seen playing cards in chaupal (village common area).
Villagers celebrate all Hindu and Muslim festivals. Some of the major festivals are Holi, Deepawali, Eid etc.
NREGA scheme
National Rural Employment Guaranteed scheme has been implemented in the village. A total of 25 village households worked under the scheme. A complete list can be found from the NREGA website [4]
External links