Hopper is best known for his work as bass guitarist for the band Stump,[1] an Anglo/Irish indie/experimental/rock group formed in London in 1983. Stump released two albums, the self released mini album Quirk Out in 1986 and their only full-length release A Fierce Pancake in 1988.[2] Since the late 1980s, his mainly instrumental output has been diverse and best described as a hybrid style of experimental and melodic pop with his distinctive bass playing often to the fore. He has also created electronica with the group Ticklish[3] and minimal pulse music in a Rock band format with Prescott[4] (formed in 2012) featuring Scritti Politti keyboardist Rhodri Marsden, drummer Frank Byng, adding Pere Ubu guitarist, Keith Moliné in 2016.
Hopper is also a visual artist (painter).
Solo albums
Stolen Jewels (1990), Ghetto Records
The Stinking Rose (1993), retrospective Bandcamp digital release
Spoombung (1998), Thoofa
Whispering Foils (2000) Drag City/Duophonic
Saurus (2002), Drag City/ Afterhours [Japan]
I Saw Spoombung's Daughter Consumed by Kirby Dots (2005), Afterhours (Japan)
The Germjoin (2012), Afterhours (Japan)
Tonka Beano (2013), Linear Obsessional Records
Kevlington (2015), Bandcamp digital release
Corbyn Sceptic Club (2018), Linear Obsessional Records
Moving and Handling (2020), Bandcamp digital release