Kwartet smyczkowy = String quartet
(4 editions published between 1942 and 1984)
Symphonie concertante: pour violoncelle et orchestre = na wiolonczelę i orkiestrę = for violoncello and orchestra = für Violoncello und Orchester
(1 edition published in 1974)
12 etiud na wiolonczele w I pozycji = 12 studies for violoncello in the first position
(1 edition published in 1969)
Poemat: na wiolonczele i fortepian: pour violoncelle et piano
(4 editions published between 1945 and 2002)
Ćwiczenia na lewa reke: Na wiolonczele = Exercises for the left hand: for violoncello
(1 edition published in 1973)
(2 editions published between 1947 and 1996)
(2 editions published in 1971 in Polish)
Wspomnień ciąg dalszy
(2 editions published in 1980 in Polish)
Cwiczenia na lewa reke [na wiolonczele]
(3 editions published in 1955 in 3 languages)