The Kasanje Kingdom (1620–1910), also known as the Jaga Kingdom, was a Central African state. It was formed in 1620 by a mercenary band of Imbangala, which had deserted the Portuguese ranks. The state gets its name from the leader of the band, Kasanje, who settled his followers on the upper Kwango River. The Kasanje people were ruled by the Jaga, a king who was elected from among the three clans who founded the kingdom.[1]
In the 1650s the intellectuals of Kasanje developed a largely fiction history that sought to give meaning and stability to the state.[2] This history claimed a Zimbo and Tendo Andumba, and their daughter Tendo Anduma as the founding force of the nation.[3]
By the 1650s Kasanje had been making war with many of its neighbors for quite some time. These included Queen Nzinga of Ndongo and Matamba, and also areas called Lubolo, Beebe, Haku and Sango.[4]
Kasanje also had relations with the Yaka Kingdom of the Yaka people. Nbangu a Kutana kwa Mbuku, whose father was the King of Yaka, was for a time a prisoner in Kasanje but later was freed and established more peaceful relations between the states.[5]
In the 1650s Kasanje had six major languages as a result of recent conquests. The conquests continued in this decade with significant taking of areas in Bembe in 1657.[6]
On the south Kasanje bordered a domain called Muzumbu a Kalungu which controlled an area between the Kwanza River and the headwaters of the Cunene River. It appears that Kasanje captured some of the territory of Muzumbu a Kalungu.[7]
There were many Portuguese merchants who operated in Ksanje by the 1650s.[8]
In 1680, the Portuguese traveller António de Oliveira de Cadornega estimated the kingdom had 300,000 people, of whom 100,000 were able to bear arms. However, it is noted that this claim may be exaggerated.[1]
The kingdom of Kasanje remained in a constant state of conflict with its neighbours, especially the kingdom of Matamba, then ruled by queen Nzinga Mbande. The Imbangala state became a strong commercial center until being eclipsed by Ovimbundu trade routes in the 1850s. Kasanje was finally incorporated into Portuguese Angola in 1910–1911.
List of kings of Kasanje
The kings of Kasanje are listed below based on a compilation of several different contemporary king lists by Joseph C. Miller.[9]
Kings of Kasanje (WIP)
King name
c. 1500s?
Existence disputed
Husband of Mussasa
Mother of Tembandumba
c. 1500s?
Existence disputed
Kalanda ka Imbe
c. 1600s
Met by the English traveler Andrew Battel, 1601-1603
c. 1610-1616
Became allies with the Portuguese, c. 1612-1616
Kasanje ka Kulashingo
c. 1616-1620s
Kasanje Kingdom founded c. 1620
Kalunga ka Kilombo
c. 1630s-1650
Ngongo a Mbande
c. 1650-1680
Known personally by the missionary Cavazzi
"Dom. Pascoal Machado"
Killed in an attack from Matamba and Mbundu armies
Kingwangwa kya Kima
c. 1680-1681
Usurper; possibly identified as "Luiz Dala"
Kitamba kya Keta
Possibly identified as "Luiz Dala"
Mwanya a Kasanje
c. 1690s?
Kiluanje kya Ngonga
c. 1690s-1700s?
Kinguri kya Kasombe
c. 1700s?
Kitumba kya Kalunga
c. 1710s
Kambamba ka Kinguri
c. 1720s?
Kasanje ka Kiluanje
c. 1730s?
Lubame lwa Kipungo
c. 1739-1750s?
Ngunza a Kambamba
c. 1750-1770
Extremely powerful
Lukala lwa Njinje
Early 1770s?
Kalunga ka Luhame
Mid 1770s?
Kitumba kya Wanga
Late 1770s-Early 1780s?
Kisweya kya Kambamba
Mid 1780s?
Kitamba kya Shiba
c. 1785-1792
Malenge a Ngonga
1792-c. 1810
Defeated by Félix Velazco Galiano, commander of Pungo Andongo, in 1805
Kitumba kya Ngonga
c. 1810-1820
Kansanje kya Kambolo
c. 1820s
Kihengo kya Kambolo
Early 1830s
Kamasa ka Kiwende
Mid 1830s
Mbumba a Kinguri
c. 1840-1850
Expelled by a Portuguese expeditionary force in 1850
Kalunga ka Kisanga
Ruled as a Portuguese vassal; assassinated in late 1850 by Mbumba a Kinguri loyalists
Kambolo ka Ngonga
Known as "Dom Fernando Accacio Ferreira" to the Portuguese
Kamweje ka Kalunga
Died under mysterious circumstances
Mbumba a Kinguri
2nd reign, probably arranged Kamweje ka Kalunga's death. Kingdom embroiled in civil war after his death
Civil War, 1873-1883
Malenge a Kitumba
Killed in battle
Swore fealty to Luis I of Portugal
Kasanje ka Kalanyi
Had little authority, upon death a political stalemate lasted until 1896
Kinguri kya Kiluanje
Also known as Mushabata; immediately expelled and another stalemate occurred until 1911
Defeated both warring factions; led a failed revolt against the Portuguese in 1912 that led to the end of the kingdom
Kasanje is located on the upper Kwango River in what is now Angola.[11]
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