For each , let and be measures on the real line , and let and be the corresponding product measures on . Suppose also that, for each , and are equivalent (i.e. have the same null sets). Then either and are equivalent, or else they are mutually singular. Furthermore, equivalence holds precisely when the infinite product
has a nonzero limit; or, equivalently, when the infinite series
Bogachev, Vladimir (1998). Gaussian Measures. Mathematical Surveys and Monographs. Vol. 62. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society. doi:10.1090/surv/062. ISBN0-8218-1054-5. (See Theorem 2.12.7)
Kakutani, Shizuo (1948). "On equivalence of infinite product measures". Ann. Math. 49: 214–224. doi:10.2307/1969123.