Junior MasterChef Australia (known colloquially as MasterChef Kids) is an Australian competitive cookinggame show. It is a spin-off of MasterChef Australia, itself an adaptation of the British show MasterChef, and featured contestants aged 8 to 12. The first season of the show began production in July 2010 and included 50 contestants. Over 5,000 children from around the nation auditioned for the series.
In contrast to prior series, Junior MasterChef Australia was produced by Shine Australia.[1] The promo was seen during the final episode of the second season of MasterChef Australia. The series premiered on Sunday, 12 September 2010.[2]
On 27 April 2020, it was announced that a third season of Junior MasterChef Australia had been commissioned, nine years after the second series aired.[3][4][5]
In the Junior series, contestants are not eliminated every week, though four are eliminated at a time once the finalists are decided. Every eliminated contestant receives a range of prizes.[6]
From series 3, casting was extended to children aged between 9–14 years old, as opposed to 8–12 years old.[4][5]
Production of a junior version of the show was initially suggested in October 2009. The first series of the show, featuring 8- to 12-year-old contestants, was filmed after the second series of MasterChef Australia and began airing 12 September 2010 on Ten. In contrast to prior series of the main show, Junior MasterChef Australia was produced by Shine Australia.[7]Isabella Bliss won the contest to become Australia's first Junior MasterChef.
A revamped third series of Junior MasterChef Australia was announced on 27 April 2020, nine years after the second series last aired. Applications for casting were opened on 25 April 2020 for children across Australia aged from 9–14.[4][11]
11-year old Georgia Eris from Victoria won the title with 12-year old Filo from Victoria and 11-year old Carter from New South Wales as the runners up.[16]
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