Jumbo is an upcoming Indonesian animated adventure film directed by Ryan Adriandhy in his directorial debut, from a screenplay he wrote with Widya Arifianti. The film features the voice of Prince Poetiray as Don, a big boy who attempts to stage a play in a local talent show after feeling underestimated by his peers.[1]
Voice cast
The following actors voice the characters in Jumbo.[2]
Development of Jumbo began in April 2020.[3]Visinema Pictures announced the production of the film had begun in September 2021.[4] In November 2021, Visinema Pictures released the film's first look.[5] In September 2022, singer Ariel was announced to voice Don's father.[6] The film was projected to release in 2023.[7]
Jumbo is set for Indonesian theatrical release in late March 2025, coinciding with Eid al-Fitr.[9] Magic Fair handled the film's international sales.[10]