Juliana's, also known as Juliana's Tokyo (ジュリアナ東京), was a Japanese discothèque that operated in Shibaura, Minato, Tokyo[1] from May 15, 1991 till August 31, 1994.[2] It was famous for its dance platforms, on which office ladies dressed in "bodycon" (abbr. (wasei-eigo): "body conscious" (ボディコン, bodikon, "sexually flattering clothing")[3][4]) clubwear would congregate, as amateur go-go dancers (professionals were also employed).[5] The club was produced by Masahiro Origuchi[6][7] for the British leisure services group Juliana's (led at the time by Michael Wilkings and Mark Vlassopulos), and Nissho Iwai Corporation, the Japanese general trading company (now part of Sojitz).[8]
Musical style and legacy
Juliana's started out playing Italo house then quickly following popular trends to Hardcore techno. The Juliana's producers published a series of compilation CDs which were popularizing techno in Japan. The album sales were an essential part of the business concept along with contracting with sponsors led by VP of marketing Reef Addison and Juliana's President Gary Calicott.
Cultural impact
At any given moment Juliana's was packed at 2,500 customers and a line so long you couldn't see around the block. The Juliana culture represented a hedonistic youth culture which had only recently arrived in Japan. The gyaru subculture found its expression in high school girls and office ladies alike transforming into Juliana girls in the evening, whereas men often came to the club in business suits.
The club "Disco Queen" in chapters 18, 19, and 21 of the rugbymangaNo Side[9] by Ikeda Fumiharu (池田文春)[10] is a reference to Juliana's, down to the white feather fans used by the dancers.[11]
^Chaplin, Sarah. Japanese Love Hotels: A Cultural History. Routledge contemporary Japan series, 15. London: Routledge, 2007, p. 135. ISBN978-0-415-41585-9, ISBN978-0-203-96242-8.
^Kawakami, "Survivors: two approaches to survival in Japan's unkind economy".
^Trends in Japan, "Disco Icon Sets Out To Conquer Nursing Care".
^Schilling, The Encyclopedia of Japanese Pop Culture, p.77.
^ノーサイド (No Side, ("Nō Saido")) volume 3, pp. 32–3, 35, 66–68, 111–123. ISBN4-08-875070-5.
^PRISMS: The Ultimate Manga Guide, No Side. Accessed 10 August 2008.
^Fujino, Chiya. "Her Room". In Ozeki, Ruth, and Cathy Layne. Inside and Other Short Fiction: Japanese Women by Japanese Women; with a foreword by Ruth Ozeki; compiled by Cathy Layne, p. 144. Tokyo: Kodansha International, 2006. ISBN4-7700-3006-1. Accessed 10 August 2008.