Jojo: The Violet Mystery (French: Jojo: Le Mystère Violaine) is a 2000 animated Christmas television special. It is based on three albums of the Jojo comics by André Geerts: La fugue de Jojo, Le mystère Violaine, and Le serment d'amitié. In Belgium, it premiered on 21 December 2000 on La Deux's Ici Bla-Bla programme. It also aired on Christmas Day, 2000 on TF1 in France and Switzerland on TSR.[1]
As of 2002, Dupuis was also producing a 78 episode Jojo series with TF1 Jeunesse.[2]
There is a new classmate, Violet, at the school attended by eight-year-olds Jojo and Fat Louis. She is ridiculed for her big nose, and later runs away on Christmas Eve.[3]