Johan van Heesch is a Belgian numismatist specialising in the coinage and monetary history of the Roman empire. He is the Keeper of Coins and Medals at the Royal Library of Belgium, and teaches numismatics at the universities of Leuven and Louvain-la-Neuve.[1]
2016 awarded the Jeton de Vermeil of the Société française de numismatique.[3]
Selected publications
(with Inge Heeren) Coinage in the Iron Age : essays in honour of Simone Scheers, Spink, London, 2010.
Studies in Roman Coinage, București Editura Academiei Române Brăila Muzeul Băilei "Carol I" Brăila Editura Istros 2016
"Quantifying Roman Imperial Coinage", in: F. de Callataÿ (ed.), Quantifying Monetary Supplies in Greco-Roman Times (Pragmateiai, 19), Bari, 2011, p. 311- 328.
"Providing Markets with Small Change in the Early Roman Empire: Italy and Gaul", in Revue belge de Numismatique, 155, 2009, p. 125−142.
"Les Romains et la monnaie gauloise: laisser−faire, laisser−aller ?" in: J. Metzler & D. Wigg−Wolf, Die Kelten und Rom: Neue numismatische Forschungen (Studien zu Fundmünzen der Antike, 19), Mainz am Rhein, 2005, p. 229-245.
De muntcirculatie tijdens de Romeinse tijd in het Noordwesten van Gallia Belgica (ca. 50 v.C.−450 n.C.): de civitates van de Nerviërs en de Menapiërs (Monografie van Nationale Archeologie 11), Brussels, 1998 [1999], 352 p.
"The last civic coinages and the religious policy of Maximinus Daza, A.D. 312", in Numismatic Chronicle, 153 (1993), p. 65−76.