In 1998, Joe’s Comics was established as an imprint publishing Straczynski's comic work including the critically lauded Midnight Nation with artist Gary Frank, Rising Stars, and Delicate Creatures, an illustrated fantasy parable.[1]
Straczynski had a falling-out with Top Cow over movie scripts for Rising Stars in the mid-2000s, and after communication broke down their relationship came to a stand-still. Straczynski held back the final (already written) issues of Rising Stars until Straczynski and Top Cow finally came to an agreement after a nearly two-year hiatus. Straczynski subsequently took Dream Police to Marvel Comics's Icon imprint, which also published his The Book of Lost Souls. Several Rising Stars spin-offs not written by Straczynski were published under Joe's Comics through 2005.[1]
Image (2012–present)
The imprint was dormant until Straczynski announced at the 2012 San Diego Comic-Con that he was reviving it as part of his new media company, Studio JMS.[1][2] The first title, the horror-noirTen Grand, initially illustrated by Ben Templesmith came out in May 2013 and Sidekick came out in July. Further titles written by Straczynski and published by Joe's Comics in 2014 include Protectors Inc, The Adventures of Apocalypse Al (originally produced for MTV Comics), Alone, and the return of former Icon titles Dream Police and The Book of Lost Souls (both scheduled for 2014).
Titles published by Joe's Comics
Titles published by Top Cow's short-lived Joe's Comics imprint include: