Jinmen (ジンメン) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Takahiro Katō. It was serialized on Shogakukan's Sunday Webry [ja] manga website from July 2016 to June 2019, with its chapters collected in thirteen tankōbon volumes.
Masato Jingū is an animal lover who returns to his hometown for the first time in seven years after transferring schools. Masato invites his childhood friend Hitomi on a date to the zoo that he had frequented in his youth. However, they and zoo employee Nakata are suddenly attacked by animals with human faces. While seeking escape from the animals, named "Jinmen", Nakata discloses that the Jinmen are the result of experiments carried out by the zoo director under the guise of health checkups. The group eventually finds itself trapped behind a gigantic circular trench surrounding the Mount Fuji area and containing the Jinmen. An unusually expedient government reports zero casualties from the formation of this trench, and an electromagnetic field prevents helicopters from rescuing trapped humans, whom the Jinmen begin capturing to use as livestock. The trio make their way to the local JSDF base to seek an escape over the trench.
Written and illustrated by Takahiro Katō, Jinmen was serialized on Shogakukan's Sunday Webry [ja] manga website from July 13, 2016,[2] to June 24, 2019.[3] Shogakukan collected its chapters in thirteen tankōbon volumes, released from January 12, 2017,[4] to September 12, 2019.[5]