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This is a list of campaigns during the Pacific War. Flags indicate the country, or countries, winning the offensive. Second Sino-Japanese war Before 1942 and inclusion in the Pacific War: 1937-07-07 – 1937-07-09 Marco Polo Bridge Incident 1937-08-13 – 1937-11-26 Battle of Shanghai 1937-09-01 – 1937-11-09 Battle of Taiyuan 1937-12-09 – 1938-01-31 Battle of Nanjing 1938-03-24 – 1938-05-01 Battle of Xuzhou 1938-06-11 – 1938-10-27 Battle of Wuhan 1939-03-17 – 1939-05-09 Battle of N...

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Cette page est une très courte ébauche oubliée. À l'instar du célèbre « Une pomme est un fruit » qui a marqué l'histoire de Wikipédia, n'hésitez pas à la développer (comment ?) Vous pouvez également enrichir les pages proposées dans la rubrique « Pommes à croquer » du bistro du jour. Cet article est une ébauche concernant une localité albanaise. Vous pouvez partager vos connaissances en l’améliorant (comment ?) selon les recommandations de...

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この項目には、一部のコンピュータや閲覧ソフトで表示できない文字が含まれています(詳細)。 数字の大字(だいじ)は、漢数字の一種。通常用いる単純な字形の漢数字(小字)の代わりに同じ音の別の漢字を用いるものである。 概要 壱万円日本銀行券(「壱」が大字) 弐千円日本銀行券(「弐」が大字) 漢数字には「一」「二」「三」と続く小字と、「壱」「�...

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Peta menunjukkan lokasi San Jose San Jose adalah munisipalitas yang terletak di provinsi Samar Utara, Filipina. Pada tahun 2010, munisipalitas ini memiliki populasi sebesar 17.586 jiwa dan 4.235 rumah tangga. Pembagian wilayah Secara administratif San Jose terbagi menjadi 16 barangay, yaitu: Aguadahan Bagong Sabang Balite Bonglas Da-o Gengarog Geratag Layuhan Mandugang P. Tingzon San Lorenzo Tubigdanao Tokoh terkenal Beberapa tokoh terkenal yang berasal dari wilayah San Jose antara lain: Edil...

African American who was lynched in the U.S.Part of a series on theNadir of Americanrace relationsViolence in the 1906 Atlanta race massacre Historical background Reconstruction era Voter suppression Disfranchisement Redeemers Compromise of 1877 Jim Crow laws Segregation Anti-miscegenation laws Convict leasing Practices Common actions Expulsions of African Americans Lynchings Lynching postcards Sundown town Whitecapping Vigilante groups Black Legion Indiana White Caps Ku Klux Klan Red Shirts...

River in Utah, United StatesSan Pitch RiverSanPitchThe San Pitch is to the east of the Great Basin section but within the Great Basin (west of the Great Basin Divide).Native nameSahpeech (Ute)LocationCountryUnited StatesStateUtahPhysical characteristicsLength65 mi (105 km)[1]Basin size480 sq mi (1,200 km2)[2]Basin featuresRiver systemEscalante-Sevier subregion The San Pitch River, extending 65 miles (105 km), is the primary wa...

SongPerdidoJuan Tizol in 1943SongWritten1941 (music), 1944 (lyrics)Composer(s)Juan TizolLyricist(s)Ervin Drake, Hans Lengsfelder Perdido is a jazz standard composed by Juan Tizol, a longtime member of Duke Ellington's orchestra. It was first recorded for radio transcription on December 3, 1941, by Duke Ellington. The Duke Ellington Orchestra recorded it again, this time for Victor, on January 21, 1942.[1] In 1944, Ervin Drake and Hans Lengsfelder were hired to write lyrics for the son...

Pour les articles homonymes, voir Guillaume Ier. Guillaume Ier de BourgognePeinture de la cathédrale Saint-Jean de l'archevêché de Besançon.Titres de noblesseComteComte de BourgogneBiographieNaissance 1020Lieu inconnuDécès 12 novembre 1087BesançonSépulture Cathédrale Saint-Jean de BesançonFamille Maison d'IvréePère Renaud Ier de BourgogneMère Adélaïde de NormandieFratrie Gui de BrionneAubrée de BuonalbergoConjoint Étiennette de BourgogneEnfants Octavien de Qui...

British television presenter (born 1972) For the Australian rugby union player, see Dominic Byrne (rugby union). Dominic ByrneByrne outside BBC Radio 1 in 2010BornDominic Anthony Byrne (1972-11-10) 10 November 1972 (age 51)Norwich, Norfolk, EnglandSpouse(s)Nicola Byrne (2001–2015 separated, later died in 2018) Lucy Brigden (m. 2022)Children3CareerShowThe Chris Moyles ShowStationRadio XTime slot6.30 am – 10 amStyleNewscasterCountry...

1040–1147 Berber dynasty in west Africa and Iberia Several terms redirect here. For other uses, see Murabitun (disambiguation). Almoravid dynastyالمرابطون (Arabic) Al-Murābiṭūn1050s–1147The Almoravid empire at its greatest extentStatusEmpire Nominal vassal of the Abbasid Caliphate[1][2] Capital Azougui[3][4][5][6] Aghmat (1058–c. 1070)[7] Marrakesh (c. 1070–1147) Official languagesArabic[8][9 ...

この記事は検証可能な参考文献や出典が全く示されていないか、不十分です。 出典を追加して記事の信頼性向上にご協力ください。(このテンプレートの使い方)出典検索?: 日米大学野球選手権大会 – ニュース · 書籍 · スカラー · CiNii · J-STAGE · NDL · dlib.jp · ジャパンサーチ · TWL (2011年7月) 日米大学野球選手権大会競技 野球...

عزلة الظفرين - عزلة - تقسيم إداري البلد اليمن المحافظة محافظة البيضاء المديرية مديرية الطفة السكان التعداد السكاني 2004 السكان 2٬320 • الذكور 1٬156 • الإناث 1٬164 • عدد الأسر 289 معلومات أخرى التوقيت توقيت اليمن (+3 غرينيتش) تعديل مصدري - تعديل عزلة الظ...