Jhootha Kahin Ka (transl. What a liar) is a 2019 Indian Hindi-language comedy drama film directed by Smeep Kang, and produced by Deepak Mukut and Anuj Sharma and Vinay Gupta under the banners of Soham Rockstar Entertainment and Shantketan Entertainments. The film stars Rishi Kapoor, Jimmy Sheirgill, Lillete Dubey, Sunny Singh, Omkar Kapoor, Manoj Joshi, Pujita Ponnada and Nimisha Mehta, and follows the story of two boys Varun and Karan (Omkar and Sunny), who go to Mauritius for higher studies, where they change their lifestyle so much that they do not want to go back home. It was theatrically released in India on 19 July 2019.[2][3][4]
The music of the film is composed by
Yo Yo Honey Singh, Amjad Nadeem-Aamir, Sanjeev-Ajay, Rahul Jain, Kashi Richard, Sidhant Madhav while lyrics are written by Sanjeev Chaturvedi, Alok Ranjan Jha, Amjad Nadeem and Lil Golu.