In 1902, director of the American Museum of Natural History Harmon C. Bumpus hired Clark, who was known for his skill in animal sculpture. While working in the employ of John Rowley, Clark sketched animals at the Central Park Zoo and the Bronx Zoo. Bumpus wanted to develop a staff at the AMNH capable of producing the realistic, natural displays[2] that Carl Akeley had created as Chief Taxidermist at the Field Museum from 1896 to 1909.[3] Akeley was considered to be the "father of modern taxidermy".[3] He was persuaded to mentor Clark and they became lifelong friends as well as colleagues.[4][2]
Akeley had developed a new lifelike taxidermy method in which the animal's musculature was sculpted over the skeleton. A lightweight mannequin was then cast from the sculpted body and the tanned skin adhered to it. Clark and Akeley both had great talent; they loved nature, art, and working on all things mechanical ... Clark returned to the AMNH and kept in constant communication with Akeley, adopting Akeley's taxidermy method of sculpting animals bodies, creating mannequins, and adding skin.
— Peabody Museum of Natural History 2010
In 1926, with Carl Akeley's untimely death, Clark took on the leadership role in terms of the AMNH's projects including the construction of the diorama halls, the Vernay Asiatic Hall, the Akeley African Hall, the Birds of the World and Ocean Life halls.[5][1] He was co-director of the Morden-Clark Asiatic expedition and for a number of years he was with Akeley in Africa. As an expert taxidermist he was responsible for some of the most notable groups that are on display in New York. He was also a sculptor and made some distinguished studies of wild animals.[6]
In 1966 Clark published the book Good Hunting: Fifty Years of Collecting and Preparing Habitat Groups for the American Museum.[4]
Dugmore-Clark safari
Clark's friend Arthur Radclyffe Dugmore was planning a photo-safari in November 1908 to photograph big game in advance of the President's much-publicized 1909-1910 Smithsonian–Roosevelt African Expedition. Clark offered to join Dugmore as his bodyguard, although he had never fired a rifle in his life.[5]
The Dugmore-Clark safari was full of adventure and close scrapes photographing charging rhinos and lions prowling in the night. There was an impetuous and dangerous buffalo hunt in swamps with high grass and no visibility or cover. At another point, Clark fell ten feet into an elephant trap and miraculously missed sharp, poisoned bamboo stakes on the way down. It seems lucky indeed that Clark and Dugmore survived this first bold encounter with Africa.
— Peabody Museum of Natural History 2010
The Dugmore-Clark safari overlapped with the former president's safari on several occasions. Dugmore returned to the United States in the late spring of 1909 and Clark stayed on for another six months spending time with Akeley and through him, Roosevelt.[2]
Duignan, Peter; Gann, L. H. (24 April 1987), The United States and Africa: A History, Cambridge University Press, p. 450
Clark, James Lippit (1966), Good Hunting: Fifty Years of Collecting and Preparing Habitat Groups for the American Museum, Norman: University of Oklahoma Press