JRP|Ringier's publications have won numerous design awards, including The Most Beautiful Swiss Book and Best Book Design from all over the World. While the Geneva-based studio Gavillet & Rust is responsible for the art direction, other renowned graphic designers such as Norm,[2]M/M Paris,[3] Cornel Windlin,[4]Marie Lusa[5] or Peter Saville[6] have also contributed titles from JRP|Ringier's catalogue.
Company history
JRP Editions (Just Ready to be Published) was founded in 1997 in Geneva, Switzerland, by art curators Lionel Bovier and Christophe Cherix, from their admiration for the small press scene of the 1970s. Between 1997 and 2003, around 30 artists’ books and prints emerged from this non-profit activity based on the founders’ network of friends in the art and academic world, design and printing industry.
In 2004, Lionel Bovier created JRP|Ringier, a new company in partnership with Michael Ringier, the owner of the Zurich-based Swiss media group Ringier AG. Christophe Cherix carried on his activities at the Cabinet des Estampes in Geneva and later at the Museum of Modern Art in New York, of which he became Chief Curator of prints and illustrated books.
Since its creation, JRP|Ringier has produced books at an ever-increasing pace and currently releases about one book a week.
Publishing philosophy
“Editing a book can be very similar to curating a show.” As an independent curator, Lionel Bovier, JRP|Ringier's founder, always considered the exhibition as a medium which can take very different forms, even that of a book. The artists’ books of the 1960s, with their autonomous and democratic qualities, seemed to him the ideal vehicles for art projects. But the production modes typically used by Fluxus artists in the 1970s, the book's materialization through collaborative processes, cheap reproduction techniques and circulation, were as much influential to his understanding of book making.
Another aspect of Lionel Bovier's publishing activities was born of a general dissatisfaction with group exhibition's catalogues (the pseudo-documentation of a project, produced before the show, with the two-pages-by-artist-rule, and the inadequate biographies). He replaced them in his own curatorial activity by another form: the anthology. It allowed him to devise and organize the return of textual material that was used to prepare the show, as well as to open the exhibition to its research. It was important for him to state the unfinished status of an exhibition and the anthology seemed to offer an interesting way out, presenting the show as a mere step in a longer journey.
Carsten Nicolai's Static Fades also received the Ehren Diplom 2007 (honorary degree) from the Leipzig book design competition (Best Book Design from all over the World).