It's Not Just You, Murray! (1964) is a short film directed by Martin Scorsese. The film focuses on Murray, a middle-aged mobster who looks back at his beginnings. The film premiered at the New York Film Festival in 1966.[1]It's Not Just You, Murray! won various awards including the Producers Guild Award for Best Student Film, and Jesse L Lasky Intercollegiate Award.
Murray (played by Ira Rubin), is a middle-aged mobster, looks back at his beginnings from being a bootlegger to becoming wealthy and highly influential. He claims his success and happiness is from the support of his "friend" Joe (played by Sam De Fazio). Murray follows Joe blindly but Joe backstabs him by sleeping with his wife.
In 1964, It's Not Just You, Murray! won the Producers Guild Award for Best Student Film.[10] Later, the film won the Jesse L Lasky Intercollegiate Award.[11]
Patricia Cooper and Ken Dancyger wrote that the film is "among the best student films ever made".[12] Mark Asch of Reverse Shot wrote, "The celebration of one's influences—a constant in Scorsese's career—is a characteristic It's Not Just You, Murray! shares with innumerable other student films".[13] Christopher Campbell of Business Insider wrote that the film "features a few more parallels and even seems like a template for a number of later works, including Goodfellas, Casino and now The Wolf of Wall Street."[14]Nora Sayre of The New York Times wrote, "What's pleasing throughout is the way that the narration contradicts what's taking place on the screen".[15]