Chitra Narayan, a political journalist with Observer Daily in Delhi, is in love with Kiran Varma, a budding actor. Kiran gets falsely accused of murdering a woman Anitha Kulkarni and gets arrested. She sees a video of the murder where it shows Kiran to be the culprit. She gets followed by a group of goons. Chitra reaches Bangalore, but the goons reach there after her. She gets saved by Sathish Menon, a software engineer and his friend Peter. They becomes her saviors. After watching the video, Sathish realizes that Kiran's face was actually morphed into the real killer's face. Using a computer software, he finds that the real killer is Paul B. Issac, a Delhi-based politician and decides to expose Paul. Meanwhile, Kiran is killed. Sathish's software company suffers huge setbacks after Paul's illegal influence, causing huge losses. Sathish openly begins his battle for justice for Chitra.