India hosted and participated in the 1951 Asian Games held in New Delhi from 4 to 11 March 1951, the inaugural edition of the Asian Games. India was ranked second with 15 gold medals, 16 silver medals and 20 bronze medals in the overall medal table, only behind Japan.
As of the conclusion of the 2022 Asian Games, 1951 remains the only edition where India won gold medals in diving, swimming and water polo. It also remains the only edition where India won any medals in cycling. India's 34 medals (10G, 12S, 12B) in athletics remains its best-ever performance at the Asian Games.
India men's national basketball team Ranbir Chopra (C) Davinder Nath Bahri Dharampal Chum Ram Prakash Avnish Chander Soni Gur Prasad Lakshmi S. V. Appayya Kapoor