In de mix is a Flemish television series launched in 2012 and hosted by Moroccan-Belgian R&B singer Brahim Attaeb known as Brahim. The program brings in two artists from pop and hip hop traditions, in an attempt to make via remakes and covers of well-known earlier hits, new crossover hits that fusions between various genres of music. The inaugural season of the program was broadcast on Eén Belgian Flemish station. It is an adaptation of original series of shows done on Dutch television station TROS and hosted by fellow Moroccan-Dutch artist Ali B and entitled Ali B op volle toeren. There is also a German adaptation on VOX called "Cover My Song" and hosted by Dennis Lisk.
Season 1
Sixteen artists took part in season 1 in a total of 8 episodes. There were also performances the week following each episode on MNM radio with some of the rap renditions including additional vocals by the host Brahim.