In God's Country is a 2007 Canadian dramatelevision film directed by John L'Ecuyer and written by Peter Behrens and Esta Spalding. The film aired on CTV on January 23, 2007.[1] It stars Kelly Rowan as Judith Leavitt, a woman in a polygamous Mormon fundamentalist sect who rebels against the repressive rules of the community in a bid to protect her teenage daughters from being married off to older men against their will.[2]
John L'Ecuyer, Mary Pantelidis, Joanne Barrington, Kristine Child, Taavo Soodor, Matt Hunwicks, Hamish Buchanan, David Manion, Sorcha Vasey, Neil Winemaker, Andrew O'Sullivan, Craig McLaren, Tom Joerin, Andrew Coutts, Jonas Kuhnemann, Mark Beck, Richard Calistan