In Europa is a Dutch series of television documentary programs on Europe during the 20th century, based on the book with the same name by Dutch writer and historian Geert Mak. The program was broadcast on Nederland 2, premiering on 11 November 2007 and airing through 2009. Quite a few locations important in European history are shown throughout the series, both historical and current.
Although the series is mainly in Dutch, many of the episodes can be understood, as interviews with eyewitnesses or sons or daughters of contemporary figures tend to be in English. Episodes are available for viewing on the official website.
After two episodes the Flemish public channel (Canvas) bought the series, starting broadcasts on 8 January 2008. Swedish public channel Sveriges Television bought the series as well, starting broadcasts from January 2009. Croatian public television (HRT) also bought the series and begun broadcasting from late 2011 through 2012.