The plot revolves around Niharika Singh who is a lawyer and is hired by a renowned law firm which is run by Janardhan Jaitley. Throughout the series, Niharika makes several shocking revelations. She is forced to work on other cases as opposed to the one she was hired for, which revolved around rape and sexual harassment charges.[3]
Illegal - Justice, Out of Order Season 2 is live now on Voot. Released on 25 November 2021.
Critical reception
Pallabi Dey Purkayastha from The Times Of India rated the series 3 out of 5 and overall praised the director for effectively maintaining the likeability factor of the script and its characters throughout the series but also added that the chaos and commotion is too hard to ignore at times.[5] Jyoti Kanyal from India Today shared her critical review stating "Illegal has an appealing premise, but what goes against the show is the poor direction and writing".[6]
Ruchi Kaushal from Hindustan Times highly praised the performance of the cast especially Neha Sharma and Kubbra Sait, and commended the director for creating such a tight knit legal drama without losing the reins of the plot or the thrill.[7] Nandani Ramnath from