Ikigami takes place in a dystopian society where the government has implemented the "Prosperity Law". This law dictates 1 in 1000 random citizens ages 18~24 will die for the state in a mandatory lottery. Death occurs at a preset date and time, which is when an injected nano-capsule, received at an early age, explodes. The law is meant to create appreciation for life by instilling fear in order make people live the best possible lives.
Once it is decided you will die, you receive your “Ikigami” or “Death Letter” 24 hours in advance. The Death Letter entitles the chosen to free transportation, lodging, and food for their last day alive. The law entitles the family of the chosen to be financially compensated for the death of their family member; though, this compensation can be forfeit if the chosen one has committed a crime. The movie follows the story of three lottery winners as seen through the eyes of a “Prosperity Law” letter handler: a rising musician, the brother of a blind woman, and a politician's suicidal son. Each has their own way of dealing with their fate. These cases are all accompanied by the choices the letter handler has to make.