Ibrahim Bek or Ibrahim Beg (Uzbek: Иброҳимбек Чакабаев, romanized: Ibrohimbek Chaqaboev; 1889 – 31 August 1931) was a leader in the Basmachi movement, a liberation movement in Central Asia, which fought against the Red Army. He was a member of the Uzbek Lakai tribe in Eastern Bukhara and led an organized resistance against the Soviet military in the early 1920s.
A religious conservative and loyal to the ousted Emir of Bukhara he had little dealings with "reformist" basmachi who had jadids in their ranks. He actively fought against Enver Pasha during his brief time in Central Asia. Despite being a good guerrilla leader, Ibrahim was essentially a relic of an older time and was to find his increasingly sophisticated military tactics out of step with the political nature of the Russian Civil War.[1][2]
Bek was eventually forced to flee south into Afghanistan, from where he along with Faizal Maksum led several cross-border raids back into the newly organized Soviet Socialist Republic of Tajikistan. Bek was subsequently handed over to Soviet authorities by Tajik villagers, and eventually executed in 1931.[2] By mid-1931, the Basmachi had been largely defeated by the Red Army.[4]
Gusterin, Pavel, История Ибрагим-бека. Басмачество одного курбаши с его слов. — Саарбрюккен: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2014. — 60 с. — ISBN978-3-659-13813-3.