The creator of the sketch comedy series The 11th Hour, called "The funniest sketch series since SCTV" by the National Post, as well as the creator of the TV pilots Space Arm, Vancouver PM and I Dig BC and the co-creator of Channel 92 along with Dean Haglund and Christine Lippa. Boothby founded the Canadian Comedy Award-winning sketch group Canadian Content. He currently performs with the sketch comedy group Titmouse! and "The Critical Hit Show: a Live Dungeons & Dragons Comedy Experience," writes for CBC Radio's The Irrelevant Show, and co-hosts the podcasts Sneaky Dragon, Compleatly Beatles, Totally Tintin, The Fansplainers and Full Marx - a Marx Brothers Podcast with David Dedrick.[8] He has also written the ebookIt's About Tolerance Stupid : essays on improv & how to make things better without making yourself crazy.[9] He is the writer of Sparks! a graphic novel series for the Scholastic Corporation's Graphix line with art by Nina Matsumoto, and Exorsisters, an ongoing series from Image Comics with art by Gisele Lagace.[10]