In the film, a duo of petty criminals sell television sets and boomboxes. After a shipment is delivered to them by mistake, they find themselves targeted by a local crime boss, by the primary enforcer of the boss, and by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Working out of their van, Black (Master P) and Blue (Johnson) deal in TV sets and boomboxes, but then a driver mistakenly drops off a cell phone shipment. Business is on the upswing, but then the local crime boss, Roscoe, and his enforcer, T-Lay (Tom Lister Jr.), have a deal go sour and blame Black and Blue.
Based on 12 reviews collected at Rotten Tomatoes, I Got the Hook-Up scored 17% with critics. Only two positive reviews came from the twelve that were cited, but one of the two positive reviews (Andy Klein of TNT’s Rough Cut) compared it favorably to the film Clerks.[2]