ISO 639:x

This is a list of ISO 639-3 language codes starting with X.

Index | a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | w | x | y | z

Abbreviations are used in the table as follows:

Retired codes are enclosed in (parentheses).

The column Family contains the generic English name of the language's family or macrolanguage.

ISO 639 codes Scope/Type Family Language names
639-3 639-1 639-2B Native eng fra spa zho rus deu
xaa I/H Andalusian Arabic 安达卢西亚阿拉伯语
xab I/L Indo-European Sambe
xac I/L Kachari
xad I/E Adai
xae I/A Aequian 埃桂语
xag I/A Aghwan
(xah) Kahayan
xai I/E Kaimbé
xaj I/E Tupian Ararandewára
xak I/E isolate Máku
xal xal I/L хальмг Kalmyk; Oirat kalmouk; oïrat kalmyk 卫拉特语; 卡尔梅克语 калмыцкий; ойратский Kalmückisch
xam I/E /Xam
xan I/L Xamtanga
xao I/L Khao
xap I/E Apalachee
xaq I/A Aquitanian 阿基坦语
xar I/E Karami
xas I/E Kamas
xat I/L Katawixi
xau I/L Kauwera
xav I/L Xavánte xavánte
xaw I/L Kawaiisu kawaiisu
xay I/L Kayan Mahakam
(xba) I/E Kamba (Brazil)
xbb I/E Lower Burdekin
xbc I/A Bactrian 大夏语; 巴克特里亚语
xbd I/E Bindal
xbe I/E Bigambal
xbg I/E Bunganditj
xbi I/L Kombio
xbj I/E Birrpayi
xbm I/H Breton, Middle 中古布列塔尼语
xbn I/E Kenaboi
xbo I/H Bolgarian 布勒加尔语
xbp I/E Bibbulman
xbr I/L Kambera Kambera
xbw I/E Kambiwá
(xbx) I/E Kabixí xabixí
xby I/L Batyala
xcb I/H Cumbric cambrien 坎伯兰语 Kumbrisch
xcc I/A Camunic
xce I/A Celtiberian 凯尔特伊比利亚语 Keltiberisch
xcg I/A Gaulish, Cisalpine 山南高卢语
xch I/E Chemakum
xcl I/H Armenian, Classical 古典亚美尼亚语
xcm I/E Comecrudo
xcn I/E Cotoname
xco I/A Chorasmian 花剌子模语
xcr I/A Carian карийский Karisch
xct I/H Tibetan, Classical 古典藏语
xcu I/H Curonian curonien curonio 库洛年语 Kurisch
xcv I/E Chuvantsy
xcw I/E Coahuilteco
xcy I/E Cayuse
xda I/L Darkinyung
xdc I/A Dacian 达基亚语
xdk I/E Dharuk
xdm I/A Edomite 埃多姆语
xdo I/L Niger–Congo Kwandu
xdq I/L Northeast Caucasian Kaitag
xdy I/L Malayic Dayak
xeb I/A Eblan éblaïte 埃卜拉语 Eblaitisch
xed I/L Hdi
xeg I/E //Xegwi
xel I/L Kelo
xem I/L Kembayan
xep I/A Epi-Olmec
xer I/L Xerénte
xes I/L Kesawai
xet I/L Xetá xetá
xeu I/L Keuru
xfa I/A Faliscan falisco 法利希语 фалискский Faliskisch
xga I/A Galatian 加拉提亚语 Galatisch
xgb I/E Gbin
xgd I/E Gudang
xgf I/E Gabrielino-Fernandeño gabrieleño-fernandeño
xgg I/E Goreng
xgi I/E Garingbal
xgl I/H Galindan
xgm I/E Guwinmal
xgr I/E Garza
xgu I/L Unggumi
xgw I/E Guwa
xha I/A Harami
xhc I/A Hunnic гуннский Hunnisch
xhd I/A Hadrami 哈德拉米语
xhe I/L Khetrani
xhm I/H Austroasiatic Khmer, Middle (1400 to 1850 CE)
xho xh xho I/L Niger–Congo isiXhosa Xhosa xhosa xhosa 科萨语 коса Xhosa
xhr I/A Hernican
xht I/A Hattic hatti 哈梯语
xhu I/A Hurrian 胡里语
xhv I/L Khua
(xia) I/L Xiandao 仙岛语
xib I/A Iberian ibère 伊利比亚语 Iberisch
xii I/L Xiri
xil I/A Illyrian 伊利里亚语 иллирийский Illyrisch
xin I/E Xinca
(xip) I/E Xipináwa xipináwa xipináwa
xir I/E Xiriâna
xis I/L Indo-European Kisan
xiv I/A Indus Valley Language
xiy I/L Xipaya xipaya
xjb I/E Minjungbal
xjt I/E Jaitmatang
xka I/L Kalkoti
xkb I/L Ede Nago, Manigri-Kambolé
xkc I/L Kho'ini
xkd I/L Kayan, Mendalam
xke I/L Kereho-Uheng
xkf I/L Khengkha
xkg I/L Kagoro
(xkh) I/L Karahawyana
xki I/L Kenyan Sign Language 肯尼亚手语
xkj I/L Kajali
xkk I/L Kaco'
xkl I/L Kenyah, Kelinyau
(xkm) Mahakam Kenyah
xkn I/L Kayan, Kayan River
xko I/L Kiorr
xkp I/L Kabatei
xkq I/L Koroni
xkr I/E Xakriabá
xks I/L Kumbewaha
xkt I/L Kantosi
xku I/L Kaamba
xkv I/L Kgalagadi
xkw I/L Kembra
xkx I/L Karore
xky I/L Kenyah, Western
xkz I/L Kurtokha
xla I/L Kamula
xlb I/E Loup B loup b
xlc I/A Lycian 吕基亚语 ликийский Lykisch
xld I/A Lydian 吕底亚语 лидийский Lydisch
xle I/A Lemnian
xlg I/A Ligurian (Ancient) 古代利古里亚语
xli I/A Liburnian
xln I/A Alanic
xlo I/E Loup A loup A
xlp I/A Lepontic 勒庞蒂语 Lepontisch
xls I/A Lusitanian 卢西塔尼亚语
xlu I/A Luwian, Cuneiform 卢维语(楔形文字) лувийский
xly I/A Elymian 艾利米亚语
xma I/L Mushungulu
xmb I/L Mbonga
xmc I/L Makhuwa-Marrevone
xmd I/L Mbedam
xme I/A Median 米底语
xmf I/L მარგალური Mingrelian mingrélien mingrelio 明格列尔语; 梅格列尔语 мегрельский
xmg I/L Mengaka
xmh I/L Kuku-Muminh
(xmi) Miarrã
xmj I/L Majera
xmk I/A Macedonian, Ancient 古马其顿语 Altmazedonisch
xml I/L Malaysian Sign Language 马来西亚手语 Malayische Zeichensprache
xmm I/L Malay, Manado
xmn I/H Manichaean Middle Persian
xmo I/L Morerebi morerebi
xmp I/E Kuku-Mu'inh
xmq I/E Kuku-Mangk
xmr I/A Meroitic méroïtique Meroitisch
xms I/L Moroccan Sign Language 摩洛哥手语 Marokkanische Zeichensprache
xmt I/L Matbat
xmu I/E Kamu
xmv I/L Malagasy, Antankarana
xmw I/L Malagasy, Tsimihety
xmx I/L Maden
xmy I/L Mayaguduna
xmz I/L Mori Bawah Mori Bawah
xna I/A North Arabian, Ancient 古代北阿拉伯语
xnb I/L Kanakanabu 卡那卡那布语 Kanakanabu
xng I/H Mongolian, Middle 中古蒙古语
xnh I/L Kuanhua 宽话
xni I/E Ngarigu
xnj I/L Niger–Congo Ngoni (Tanzania)
xnk I/E Nganakarti
xnm I/E Ngumbarl
xnn I/L Kankanay, Northern
xno I/H Anglo-Norman 盎格鲁-诺曼语 Anglonormannisch
xnq I/L Niger–Congo Ngoni (Mozambique)
xnr I/L Kangri
xns I/L Kanashi
xnt I/E Narragansett
xnu I/E Nukunul
xny I/L Nyiyaparli
xnz I/L Kenzi
xoc I/E O'chi'chi'
xod I/L Kokoda
xog I/L Soga
xoi I/L Kominimung
xok I/L Xokleng
xom I/L Komo (Sudan)
xon I/L Konkomba
xoo I/E Xukurú
xop I/L Kopar
xor I/L Korubo
xow I/L Kowaki
xpa I/E Pirriya
xpb I/E Northeastern Tasmanian, Pyemmairrener
xpc I/H Pecheneg 彼切尼克语
xpd I/E Oyster Bay Tasmanian
xpe I/L Kpelle, Liberia
xpf I/E Nuenonne, Southeast Tasmanian
xpg I/A Phrygian 佛里吉亚语
xph I/E North Midlands Tasmanian, Tyerrenoterpanner
xpi I/H Pictish picte 皮克特语
xpj I/E Mpalitjanh
xpk I/L Kulina Pano
xpl I/E Port Sorell Tasmanian
xpm I/E Pumpokol
xpn I/E Kapinawá
xpo I/E Pochutec pochuteco
xpp I/A Puyo-Paekche
xpq I/E Mohegan-Pequot
xpr I/A Parthian 巴底亚语
xps I/A Pisidian
xpt I/E Punthamara
xpu I/A Punic punique púnico 布匿语
xpv I/E Northern Tasmanian, Tommeginne
xpw I/E Northwestern Tasmanian, Peerapper
xpx I/E Southwestern Tasmanian, Toogee
xpy I/A Puyo
xpz I/E Bruny Island Tasmanian
xqa I/H Karakhanid 喀喇汗语
xqt I/A Qatabanian
xra I/L Krahô
xrb I/L Karaboro, Eastern
xrd I/E Gundungurra
xre I/L Kreye
xrg I/E Minang
xri I/L Krikati-Timbira
xrm I/A Armazic
xrn I/E Arin
(xrq) I/E Karranga
xrr I/A Raetic 列托语
xrt I/E Aranama-Tamique
xru I/L Marriammu
xrw I/L Karawa
xsa I/A Sabaean 塞巴语
xsb I/L Sambal, Tinà
xsc I/A Scythian 西徐亚语
xsd I/A Sidetic сидетский
xse I/L Sempan
xsh I/L Shamang
xsi I/L Sio
xsj I/L Subi
(xsk) Sakan
xsl I/L ᑌᓀᒐ Slavey, South
xsm I/L Kasem Kasem
xsn I/L Sanga (Nigeria)
xso I/E Solano
xsp I/L Silopi
xsq I/L Makhuwa-Saka
xsr I/L Sherpa sherpa sherpa 夏尔巴语
(xss) I/E Assan
(xst) Silt'e
xsu I/L Sanumá
xsv I/E Sūdaviskai Sudovian sudovien sudoviano ятвяжский Jatwingisch
xsy I/L Saisiyat 赛夏语 Saisiyat
xta I/L Mixtec, Alcozauca
xtb I/L Mixtec, Chazumba
xtc I/L Katcha-Kadugli-Miri
xtd I/L Mixtec, Diuxi-Tilantongo
xte I/L Ketengban
xtg I/A Gaulish, Transalpine 山外高卢语
xth I/E Yitha Yitha
xti I/L Mixtec, Sinicahua
xtj I/L Mixtec, San Juan Teita
xtl I/L Mixtec, Tijaltepec
xtm I/L Mixtec, Magdalena Peñasco
xtn I/L Mixtec, Northern Tlaxiaco
xto I/A Tokharian A tokharien A 焉耆语; 东吐火罗语
xtp I/L Mixtec, San Miguel Piedras
xtq I/H Tumshuqese 图木舒克语
xtr I/A Tripuri, Early tripuri
xts I/L Mixtec, Sindihui
xtt I/L Mixtec, Tacahua
xtu I/L Mixtec, Cuyamecalco
xtv I/E Thawa
xtw I/L Tawandê
xty I/L Mixtec, Yoloxochitl
(xtz) I/E Tasmanian
xua I/L Kurumba, Alu
xub I/L Kurumba, Betta
xud I/E Umiida
(xuf) Kunfal
xug I/L Kunigami 国头琉球语
xuj I/L Kurumba, Jennu
xul I/E Ngunawal
xum I/A Umbrian ombrien umbro 翁布里亚语 умбрский Umbrisch
xun I/E Unggarranggu
xuo I/L Kuo
xup I/E Umpqua, Upper
xur I/A Urartian urartiano
xut I/E Kuthant
xuu I/L Kxoe
xve I/A Venetic 威尼托语 венетский
xvi I/L Kamviri
xvn I/A Vandalic 汪达尔语 вандальский
xvo I/A Volscian 沃尔西语
xvs I/A Vestinian 维斯提奈语
xwa I/L Kwaza
xwc I/E Woccon woccon
xwd I/E Wadi Wadi
xwe I/L Gbe, Xwela
xwg I/L Kwegu
xwj I/E Wajuk
xwk I/E Wangkumara
xwl I/L Gbe, Western Xwla
xwo I/E Oirat, Written 古书面卫拉特语
xwr I/L Kwerba Mamberamo
xwt I/E Wotjobaluk
xww I/E Wemba Wemba
xxb I/E Boro (Ghana)
xxk I/L Ke'o
xxm I/E Minkin
xxr I/E Koropó
xxt I/E Tambora
xya I/E Yaygir
xyb I/E Yandjibara
xyj I/E Mayi-Yapi
xyk I/E Mayi-Kulan
xyl I/E Yalakalore
xyt I/E Mayi-Thakurti
xyy I/L Yorta Yorta
xzh I/A Zhang-Zhung 象雄语
xzm I/E Zemgalian zemgaliano 斯米伽联语 земгальский
xzp I/H Ancient Zapotec zapotèque antique zapoteco antiguo


  • "ISO 639-2 Registration Authority". Library of Congress.
  • "ISO 639-3 Registration Authority". SIL International.
  • Lewis, M. Paul; Simons, Gary F.; Fennig, Charles D., eds. (2016). "Ethnologue: Languages of the World" (19th ed.). Dallas, Texas: SIL International.

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