Against the backdrop of the increasing attacks on commercial ships transiting the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden, and the Arabian Sea by the end of 2023, the Indian Navy on December 31 2023 said it had substantially enhanced maritime surveillance efforts in Central and North Arabian Sea and “augmented force levels” by primarily deploying the P-8I NeptuneMPA and the SeaGuardian drones.[17] Following two merchant vessels, including MV Ruen and MV Chem Pluto which were targeted in the sea. MV Ruen was hijacked (later rescued by sister ship INS Kolkata) while MV Chem Pluto sustained drone hits eventually and making way to port, The Indian Navy deployed a large flotilla of destroyers to safeguard international security . The deployment into the Arabian Sea includes Navy’s missile destroyers, including INS Kolkata, INS Kochi, INS Mormugao, INS Chennai and INS Visakhapatnam,[18] virtually all of its modern destroyer force of its western fleet.The INS Kolkata is deployed on the mouth of the Red Sea, INS Kochi on the south of Yemen'sSocotra Island, INS Mormugao in the west Arabian Sea with INS Chennai in the central Arabian Sea.
INS Visakhapatnam was also moved in a week later and was tasked to patrol the north Arabian Sea.[19]
Mormugao floats on her own post launch
Mormugao, second indigenous stealth destroyer of the P15B class during maiden sortie.