The series, broadcast on ITV since August 2002, is produced by ITV Studios (previously known as Granada Productions), a British company. The format was picked up by ABC soon after, which aired for one season in early 2003. The new series, shown on NBC in 2009, ran for 14 episodes, and followed the same format as the United Kingdom version of the same show. On March 8, 2010, NBC announced that there would not be a third season.[1][2]
Left due to reasons other than eviction (walking out/illness etc)
Late arrival.
Season 1 (2003)
The first season had 10 contestants. It aired nightly from February 19, 2003, to March 5, 2003, on ABC. John Lehr was the host from the Australian outback. The time differential created serious issues with the live feed.
NBC picked up the former ABC show. It aired for 14 episodes and followed the UK show's format.[2] The series premiered with a two-hour episode 8-10 PM EDT on June 1, 2009. It aired with a two-hour episode at 8-10 PM every Monday and at 8-9 PM Tuesday through Thursday until its June 24 finale. MTV subsequently showed a marathon (adding unaired footage and commentary from cast members) of the preceding week's episodes on Sundays. The location of the second season was the jungle of Costa Rica. Lou Diamond Phillips won in what was, according to Damien Fahey, a close vote between him and Torrie.[citation needed]