Hyskenstræde is a street in the Old Town of Copenhagen, Denmark. It runs from the pedestrian street Strøget (Vimmelskaftet) in the northwest to Kompagnistræde in the southeast from where it continues as Naboløs for another block to Gammel Strand.
The name is derived from the German word Häuschen, meaning "Small Houses", a reference to the public toilets that were located on piles in the water at the far end of the street. One of the two public toilets, Østre Mag (Eastern "Mag", mag being another word for public toilet, cf. Magstræde).), was located in front of the street.
In c. 1600, the street became known as Lasse Winders Stræde after city councilor Lars "Vinner" Nielsen. In the beginning of the 16th century, after the public toilet had been removed, the street once again became known as Hyskenstræde.[1]