Sharaku is a seemingly innocent junior high student with a secret. On his forehead is a third eye that, if open, reveals his extraordinary psychic powers and diabolical personality. It also renders him able to summon a red, spear-like wand called the Red Condor. Sharaku is, as the story goes, the last descendant of the mysterious ancient race of the Three-Eyed Ones, who were responsible for constructing many wonders of the ancient world.
To protect mankind from his terrible power, he is made to wear a bandage that seals his third eye. While his third eye is sealed, Sharaku knows nothing of his true nature or of his power, and does not remember his evil half's sinister attempts to conquer the world. Sharaku is helped and nurtured by his classmate, Chiyoko Wato (和登千代子, Wato Chiyoko), who is drawn to his true nature. Wato is one of the few human beings that Sharaku initially feels that he can trust.
Additionally, he makes several appearances in Black Jack, most noticeably in the 2004 TV animated adaptation, in which he's a normal junior high schooler and has a crush on Black Jack's assistant Pinoko. Chiyoko Wato appears as his older sister and a kendo practitioner.
^L'Enfant aux Trois Yeux, article by co-translator Rodolphe Massé in the first volume of the French edition of Mitsume Ga Tōru, published by Editions Asuka