Vaggione was born in Córdoba, Argentina, but lives in Europe since 1969. While in Argentina he was a co-founder of the Experimental Music Center (CME) of the National University of Cordoba (1965–1968), and co-organizer of the Experimental Music Meetings of the III Bienal Americana de Arte (1966).[1][2]
From 1969 to 1973 he lived in Madrid, Spain, and was part of the ALEA live electronics music group with Luis de Pablo, the ALEA electronic Music Studio and the Project Music and Computer at the University of Madrid. In 1978 he moved to France, where he still resides, and began work at IMEB in Bourges, INA-GRM and IRCAM in Paris. In 1987–1988 was a resident of the DAAD Berliner Kunstler Program, working at the Technische Universität Berlin. Since 1989 he has been Professor of Music (Composition and Research) at the University of Paris VIII. In 1996 founded the CICM (Centre de Recherche Informatique et Création Musicale).[3]
Composition Prizes: Newcomp Prize (Cambridge, USA, 1983). Bourges Prizes (1982, 1986, 1988). Euphonie d'Or (Bourges, 1992). ICMA International Computer Music Association Commission Award (USA, 1992). Ton Bruynel Foundation Prize (Amsterdam, 2010). Giga-Hertz Produktion Preis (ZKM, Karlsruhe, 2011), among others.
Writings and research papers: 54 papers, published in Proceedings, books (MIT Press, Harwoord Academic Publishers, Swett and Zeitlinger, L’Harmattan, Routledge) and specialized journals (Computer Music Journal, Contemporary Music Review, Journal of New Music Research, Musica-Realtà, etc.).
Selected Compositions
Secuencias for instrumental ensemble (1963)
Verticales for instrumental ensemble and Feedback set-up (1965) (CD CMMAS CD017, 2014)
Sonata IV for piano and tape (1966, LP JME-1, Bienal americana de arte, Cordoba, Argentina)
Triadas for orchestra (1968)
Modelos de Universo III for instrumental ensemble and sounds generated by computer (1972)
Undicit for 18 instruments (1976)
Octuor (1982), LP Computer Musik, IBM Deutschland (1984)
Fractal C (1984)
Thema for bass saxophone & computer-generated tape (1985, CD Wergo WER 2026–2; CD Adda AD581047)
Tar for bass clarinet & computer-generated tape (1987, CD Le Chant du Monde LCD 278046/47)
Sçir for contrabass flute in G & tape (1988, CD DAAD Berlin LC 0864)
Ash (1990, CD Ina REF INAG 6032)
Till for piano & computer-generated tape (1991,CD Chrysopée Electronique LCD 278 1102)
Kitab for bass clarinet, piano, contrabass and computer-processed and controlled sounds (1992, CD Centaur CRC 2255)
Tahil for solo piano (1992,CD Chrysopée Electronique LCD 278 1102)
Myr for solo piano (1993),CD Chrysopée Electronique LCD 278 1102)
Schall (1995, CD Chrysopée Electronique LCD 278 1102)
Nodal (1997, CD Ina REF INAG 6032)
Agon (1998, CD ICMC 01, Berlin; CD Opus 30 IMEB LCD 2781117)
Préludes Suspendus II (2000, CD CMR Vol. 24 part 4+5(book + CD)
Phases for clarinet, piano and electroacoustic set-up (2001, CD Ina REF INAG 6032)
24 Variations (2001, CD ICMC Göteborg LJCD 5232)
Atem for horn, bass clarinet, piano, double bass and electroacoustic set-up (2002) (CD CMR Vol. 24 part 4+5 (book + CD)
Harrison Variations (2002, CD EMF Media, EM 153)
Gymel Electroacoustic music (2003)
Taléas for Paezold recorders and electroacoustics (2002/2004) (CD CMR Vol. 24 part 4+5 (book + CD)
"Coïncidences autour de Granger : l'opératoire et l'objectal en musique" (A. Sedes,G. Carvalho, H. Vaggione) in La pensée de Gilles-Gaston Granger, Paris Éditions Hermann, (2010)
Horacio Vaggione: Composition Theory. Contemporary Music Review, Vol 24, Parts 4 + 5, 2015. 0749-4467 (2005) 24.4.1-0
Solomos, Makis, Ed. (2007). Espaces composables, essais sur la musique et la pensée musicale de Horacio Vaggione. (L'Harmattan, Paris) ISBN978-2-296-02832-6