The film's sets were designed by the art directorsGianni Polidori and Ivan King. It was partly shot on location in Italy, and was one of two co-productions in Italy that producer Joseph Janni oversaw during the period, along with the melodrama The Glass Mountain (1949).[1] Separate English- and Italian-language versions were released.
A British couple honeymooning in Italy plan to visit Rome and take in the opera and the various historical sights of the city. However, after taking the wrong train, they end up in the village where the husband, David, had fought and taken shelter as a British Army officer during the Second World War. Regarded as a hero by the villagers, it soon becomes apparent that one of the local woman is claiming that David has already married her and is the father of her young child named Churchill.
The film was shot almost entirely in Colli a Volturno, in the province of Isernia in Molise even if in fiction the town is called Poppi del Sangro.[2]