Hohenthurn consists of two cadastral communities, Dreulach and Hohenthurn, which comprise a total of the following six villages: (population status January 1, 2018)[3]
Achomitz (Zahomec) (90)
Draschitz (Drašče) (189)
Dreulach (Drevlje) (118)
Göriach (Gorje) (99)
Hohenthurn (Straja vas) (209)
Stossau (Štasava) (146)
Hohenthurn is located in the valley of the Gail river (Gailtal), near the confluence with the Gailitz tributary. The municipal area stretches on the northern slope of the Carnic Alps, close to the border with Italy. It comprises the cadastral communities of Hohenthurn proper and Dreulach (Drevlje).
The municipality was the site of a prehistoric Hallstatt settlement as well as of a Roman watchtower, which is depicted in the coat of arms. Nevertheless, Hohenthurn (from German hoher Turm, i.e. "high tower"), first mentioned in a 1253 deed as Göströsdorf, probably derived its name from the steeple of the Gothic St. Cyriacus Church. Since the medieval Slavic settlement of the Eastern Alps, the area is a centre of Slovene tradition and customs.
Seats in the municipal council (Gemeinderat) as of 2015 local elections: