Heroic (Spanish: Heroico) is a 2023 drama film written, directed and produced by David Zonana. An international co-production of Mexico and Sweden, it stars Santiago Sandoval Carbajal.
Luis, an Indigenous 18-year-old boy, encounters an institutionally violent system inside the Heroic Military College, which he enters in hope of a better future.
Erin Brady from /Film wrote: "Heroic is likely a movie that won't work for everyone, as a few intentionally horrifying moments of casual brutality will have viewers squirming. However, by utilizing the camera as an intensely rigid weapon, the film drives home its intentions in a way that's neither overbearing nor vague. It is a powerful example of the power of visual storytelling, of allowing the technical aspects of movies to tell a painful story in a way mere words cannot."[7] Meanwhile, Jordan Mintzer from The Hollywood Reporter wrote: "There are no real surprises in Heroic, which sets its course to hell in the opening scene and follows a straight path there for the next 90 minutes. We learn little about Luis beyond the fact that his dad, who abandoned the family, was a soldier as well, or that his mother’s cancer is the only reason he entered the academy."[8]