For the purposes of this article, heraldry societies are defined as private associations of people who are interested in heraldry. Heraldic authorities, which have been established by reigning monarchs or governments, are dealt with in a separate article.
Suomen heraldinen seura (Heraldry Society of Finland, 1957–[2])
Société française d'héraldique et de sigillographie (1937–)
HEROLD, Verein für Heraldik, Genealogie und verwandte Wissenschaften zu Berlin e. V. (1869 -). Oldest continuously working Heraldry society in the world.
Heraldischer Verein 'Zum Kleeblatt' (1888– )
»Der Wappen-Löwe« – Heraldische Gesellschaft e. V. (1980 – )
Koninklijk Nederlandsch Gennotschap voor Geslacht- en Wapenkunde (1883– ) – it publishes a journal (De Nederlandsche Leeuw).
Nederlands Genootschap voor Heraldiek, NGH (Dutch Heraldry Society) (2014–) – it publishes a journal (Blazoen) and has three registers for coats of arms: personal/family, ecclesiastical and other organisations.
The Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden)
Societas Heraldica Scandinavica (1959– ) – it publishes a journal (Heraldisk Tidsskrift), a roll of arms (Skandinavisk vapenrulla) and a newsletter.