2022: Jadwiga Biskupska. Survivors: Warsaw under the Nazi Occupation. Cambridge University Press, 2022.
2022: Katalin Fábián, Janet Elise Johnson, and Mara Lazda. Routledge Handbook of Gender in Central-Eastern Europe and Eurasia. (Routledge, 2021)
2021: Francine Hirsch. Soviet Judgment at Nuremberg: A New History of the International Military Tribunal after World War II (Oxford University Press, 2020)
2021: Allison Leigh, Picturing Russia’s Men: Masculinity and Modernity in 19th-Century Painting (Bloomsbury, 2020)
2020: Jennifer J. Carroll, Narkomania: Drugs, HIV, and Citizenship in Ukraine (Cornell University Press, 2019)
2020: Olga Peters Hasty, How Women Must Write: Inventing the Russian Woman Poet (Northwestern University Press, 2019)
2019: Kateřina Lišková, Sexual Liberation, Socialist Style: Communist Czechoslovakia and the Science of Desire, 1945-1989 (Cambridge University Press, 2018)
2019: Hannah Pollin-Galay, Ecologies of Witnessing: Language, Place, and Holocaust Testimony (Yale University Press, 2018)
2018: Edyta Materka, Dystopia's Provocateurs: Peasants, State, and Informality in the Polish-German Borderlands. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2017
2017: Iveta Jusová & Jirina Šiklová, eds. Czech Feminisms: Perspectives on Gender in East Central Europe (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2016)
2017: Rebecca Gould, Writers and Rebels: The Literature of Insurgency in the Caucasus (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2016)
2016: Lisa Kirschenbaum, International Communism and the Spanish Civil War: Solidarity and Suspicion (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015)
2016: Keely Stauter-Halsted. The Devil's Chain: Prostitution and Social Control in Partitioned Poland (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2015)
2015: Luba Golburt, The First Epoch: The Eighteenth Century and the Russian Cultural Imagination (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2014)
2015: Valerie Sperling, Sex, Politics, and Putin: Political Legitimacy in Russia (New York: Oxford University Press, 2015)
2014: Jenny Kaminer, Women with a Thirst for Destruction: The Bad Mother in Russian Culture. (Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 2013)
2014: Kate Brown. Plutopia: Nuclear Families, Atomic Cities, and the Great Soviet and American Plutonium Disasters (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013)
2013: Karen Petrone, The Great War in Russian Memory (Bloomington: Indiana University, 2011)
2013: Judith Pallot and Laura Piacentini, with the assistance of Dominique Moran, Gender, Geography, and Punishment. The Experience of Women in Carceral Russia (New York: Oxford University Press, 2012)
2012: Gail Kligman and Katherine Verdery, Peasants under Siege. The Collectivization of Romanian Agriculture, 1949-1962 (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2011)
2012: Beth Holmgren, Starring Madame Modjeska: On Tour in Poland and America (Bloomington: Indiana University, 2012)
2011: Cristina Vatulescu, Police Aesthetics: Literature, Film & the Secret Police in Soviet Times (Stanford University Press, 2010)
2010: Rebecca Manley, To the Tashkent Station: Evacuation and Survival in the Soviet Union at War, (Cornell University Press, 2009)
2009: Christine Ruane, The Empire's New Clothes: A History of the Russian Fashion Industry, 1700–1917, (Yale University Press, 2009)
2009: Olga Shevchenko, Crisis and the Everyday in Postsocialist Moscow, (Indiana University Press, 2009)
2008: Catherine Wanner, Communities of the Converted: Ukrainians and Global Evangelism (Cornell University Press, 2007)
2008: Eliot Borenstein, Overkill: Sex and Violence in Contemporary Russian Popular Culture (Cornell University Press, 2007)
2007: Valerie Kivelson, Cartographies of Tsardom, The Land and Its Meaning traces (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2007)
2007: Marianne Kamp, The New Woman in Uzbekistan: Islam, Modernity, and Unveiling under Communism (Seattle, Washington: University of Washington Press, 2007)
2006: Marci Shore, Caviar and Ashes: A Warsaw Generation's Life and Death in Marxism, 1918-1968 (Yale University Press, 2006)
2006: Michele Rivkin-Fish, Women's Health in Post-Soviet Russia: The Politics of Intervention (Indian University Press, 2005)
2005: Shana Penn, Solidarity's Secret: The Women who Defeated Communism in Poland (University of Michigan Press, 2005)
1999 Christine D. Tomei, Russian Women Writers, New York : Garland Publishing, 1999.
Description: 2 v. : ill. ; 24 cm. ISBN0-8153-1797-2
^"Heldt Prize". Association for Women in Slavic Studies.
Women and Gender in Central and Eastern Europe, Russia, and Eurasia: A Comprehensive Bibliography Volume I: Southeastern and East Central Europe (Edited by Irina Livezeanu with June Pachuta Farris) Volume II: Russia, the Non-Russian Peoples of the Russian / Mary Zirin, Irina Livezeanu, Christine D. Worobec, June Pachuta Farris - Routledge, 2015 - P. 2010.