He specialized in the field of lichenology, being known for his investigations of the genus Cladonia. During his career, he was highly critical of Swedish botanist Erik Acharius's work; e.g. Kritische Anmerkungen zu den Becherflechten in der Lichenographia universalis des Herrn Doctors und Ritters Erik Acharius (1810) - (Critical comments on the cup lichen in Lichenographia universalis of Erik Acharius).[2]
For a number of years Flörke was an editor of "Oekonomische Encyklopädie", an encyclopedia initiated by Johann Georg Krünitz (1728–1796).[3] He issued the exsiccataeDeutsche Lichenen, gesammelt und mit Anmerkungen herausgegeben von H. G. F.[4] and Cladoniarum exemplaria exsiccata, commentationem novam illustrantia.[5] His name is associated with the wildflower genus Floerkea, and also the lichen species Cladonia floerkeana.[6]