Haydar Reis, or Ra῾is, called Nigari, 'the portraitist' (c. 1492/4 – 1572/4), was a 16th-century Ottoman naval captain, painter and poet. His paintings, often accompanied by his own verses, include portraits of such important Ottoman figures as Suleiman the Magnificent, Hayreddin Barbarossa and Selim II, as well as contemporary European emperors and kings. Some of these individual works of art were later included in albums (muraqqa) containing works by various hands.[1][2]
Başkurt, A. Çağrı, Haydar Reis of Galata (Nigârî) the first naval captain painter of the Ottoman Empire and his gazavatname (H. 961/ A. D. 1553) and Dürer-i Deryâ (Pearls of the Sea), Harvard 2020 [BIOGRAPHY]