"Hatsuiku Status Gokiritsu Japon (発育ステータス 御起立ジャポン, Growth Status - Stand Up Japan)" is the secret rock bar tour which Shiina Ringo performed in a band in 2000, or is the live video with the same title as this tour by Shiina Ringo released on December 7, 2000.
This video was released with the video of "Gekokujou Xstasy (下剋上エクスタシー, Usurpation Ecstasy)".
The distributor is Toshiba EMI.
Shiina Ringo went on this tour in the name of the "Hatsuiku Status" which is the band name instead of in the name of "Shiina Ringo" at the beginning.
This band and the songs performed on this tour were named using the word relevant to child-care, botany, or gardening.
This video records the live at the Shinjuku liquid room on July 8 with the image of other performance at four places, and the documentaries about the process of the music production, and so on.
Track listing
the process of the music production and the practice scene
Hatsuga (発芽, Germination)
Warui Nae Yoi Moe (悪い苗 良い萠, Bad Seedling, Good Sprouting)
Gaichuu Kujo (害虫駆除, Extermination of Harmful Insects)
Takai Takai (たかいたかい, High High)
Haenuki (生え抜き, Trueborn)
Sakasetemite (咲かせてみて, Let me bloom)
Konya Dou (今夜だふ, How about tonight?)
Mebana yue Obana (雌花 故 雄花, Male flower because of Female flower)
Kougousei (光合成, Photosynthesis)
After the end roll, the scene on which the band members chat while eating sweets is projected soon.
All lyrics by Shiina Ringo, and track 2 is with Hatsuiku Status.
All music by Shiina Ringo, and track 2 is with Torii Yasunobu, 4 is with Murata junko, 7 is with Tabuchi Hisako.
All arrangements by Hatsuiku Status.
Hatsuiku Status
Hatsuiku Status (発育ステータス, Growth Status) is the unusual band including three bassists which Shiina Ringo formed with her friends.
Many of songs which they played were connected with "growth" of their band name, and they were named in relation to the growth of the plant.
This band halted activity by going on the nationwide tour only once.
Vocals, electric bass guitar: 椎名林檎 Shiina Ringo
Electric bass guitar: 村田純子 Junko Murata (from Hachioji Gulliver which Shiina formed with her in her amateur days)