Halyna Vasylivna Yagenska (Ukrainian: Гали́на Васи́лівна Яге́нськ; born November 19, 1966) is the People's Teacher of Ukraine (2020), as the winner of National Ukrainian competition "Teacher of the Year" (in the subject biology). She holds a PhD in Pedagogy awarded in 2012.[1] She was awarded the Order of Merit ІІІ class in 2009 and also the Order of Merit ІІ class (2015).[2]
Halyna Yagenska was born in 1966 in Lutsk; she graduated with a degree in teaching in 1988 from the Department of Natural and Geosciences at the Lesya Ukrainka East European National University (called Lutsk State Teachers’ Institute at the time).
Halyna created a unique biology curriculum titled "Forming the scientific competency in students while learning biology".
She is also the author of specialized high school courses "Adaptive physiology" and "Basics Statistics for applications in biological research". Halyna founded a specialized high school course "Human health", where students learn biology in English.
Halyna participated in an international (Ukraine-Israel) educational project "10minschool" 10minschool.com»,[4] where she recorded 31 biology lessons. These are now used for remote learning in Ukrainian high schools.
Halyna Yagenska is a co-author of a series of scientific works, in particular:
Variability of and the impact of weather on blood pressure and pulse of teenagers (2002)
Teacher-student cooperation during the scientific research in biology (2004)
How to prepare gifted students for tournaments in biology (2005)
Didactic theater during a biology lesson (teaching methodology) (2005)
Prepare a team of students for Biology Tournament (teaching methodology) (2005)
Biology lab notebook for grade 7 (Ukr. "Я дослідник. Біологія. 7 клас"), ISBN978-617-656-949-7, Osvita[5]
Co-author of the series of biology textbooks, published by "Osvita" publishing company:
Biology for grade 6 (Ukr. «Біологія: підручник для 6 кл. загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів»), 2014, ISBN978-617-656-308-2. Co-authors: Kostikov I U, Volgin S O, Dod V V, Syvolob A V, Dovhal I V, Jolos O V, Skpypnyk N V, Tolstanova H M, Hodosovtsev O Ye.
Biology for grade 7 (Ukr. «Біологія: підручник для 7 кл. загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів»), 2015. Co-authors: Kostikov I U, Volgin S O, Dod V V, Syvolob A V, Dovhal I V, Jolos O V, Skpypnyk N V, Tolstanova H M, Hodosovtsev O Ye.
Biology for grade 8 (Ukr. «Біологія: підручник для 8 класу загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів»), 2016, ISBN978-617-7012-35-0. Co-authors: Dovhal I V, Dod V V, Jolos O V, Skpypnyk N V, Tolstanova H M.[6]
^Ягенська, Галина Василівна (2012). Формування дослідницьких умінь учнів у процесі вивчення біології в основній школі (in Ukrainian). Національний педагогічний університет імені М. П. Драгоманова: Дисертація кандидата педагогічних наук: 13.00.02. pp. 200 с.