The original version of Hall's conjecture, formulated by Marshall Hall, Jr. in 1970, says that there is a positive constant C such that for any integersx and y for which y2 ≠ x3,
Hall suggested that perhaps C could be taken as 1/5, which was consistent with all the data known at the time the conjecture was proposed. Danilov showed in 1982 that the exponent 1/2 on the right side (that is, the use of |x|1/2) cannot be replaced by any higher power: for no δ > 0 is there a constant C such that |y2 − x3| > C|x|1/2 + δ whenever y2 ≠ x3.
In 1965, Davenport proved an analogue of the above conjecture in the case of polynomials:
if f(t) and g(t) are nonzero polynomials over the complex numbersC such that
g(t)3 ≠ f(t)2 in C[t], then
The weak form of Hall's conjecture, stated by Stark and Trotter around 1980, replaces the square root on the right side of the inequality by any exponent less than 1/2: for any ε > 0, there is some constant c(ε) depending on ε such that for any integers x and y for which y2 ≠ x3,
The original, strong, form of the conjecture with exponent 1/2 has never been disproved, although it is no longer believed to be true and the term Hall's conjecture now generally means the version with the ε in it. For example, in 1998, Noam Elkies found the example
for which compatibility with Hall's conjecture would require C to be less than .0214 ≈ 1/50, so roughly 10 times smaller than the original choice of 1/5 that Hall suggested.
The weak form of Hall's conjecture would follow from the ABC conjecture.[1] A generalization to other perfect powers is Pillai's conjecture, though it is also known that Pillai's conjecture would be true if Hall's conjecture held for any specific 0 < ε < 1/2.[2]
The table below displays the known cases with . Note that y can be computed as the
nearest integer to x3/2. This list is known to contain all examples with (the first 44 entries in the table) but may be incomplete past that point.
Danilov, L.V., "The Diophantine equation 'x3 - y2 ' ' = k ' and Hall's conjecture", 'Math. Notes Acad. Sci. USSR' 32(1982), 617-618.
Gebel, J., Pethö, A., and Zimmer, H.G.: "On Mordell's equation", 'Compositio Math.' 110(1998), 335-367.
I. Jiménez Calvo, J. Herranz and G. Sáez Moreno, "A new algorithm to search for small nonzero |'x3 - y2'| values", 'Math. Comp.' 78 (2009), pp. 2435-2444.
S. Aanderaa, L. Kristiansen and H. K. Ruud, "Search for good examples of Hall's conjecture", 'Math. Comp.' 87 (2018), 2903-2914.