In 2023, Haacht had a total population of 15,465. It is reported to have a population density of 505 inhabitants per km2.
Special attractions in Haacht are:
The church St.-Remigius, of which some walls still date the original construction from the year 1281.
The Anti-Tank canal, a defensive line built in 1939 as part of the K-W Line, to protect against German attack. It proved ineffective, as the invading Germans took a wide detour around it. In 1997 the nature preservation group Natuurpunt [nl] made it a protected natural area.
The brewery of Haacht, the biggest Belgian brewery that is still in Belgian ownership and the third Belgian brewery regarding marketshare. The brewery is named after the municipality of Haacht but is actually located within the borders of neighbouring municipality Boortmeerbeek.
The new sporting facilities 'Den Dijk', opened in 2003, with a separate gymnastics hall.