He worked as scientific assistant(wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter) for Fritz Sturm at the Chaire de droit allemand (CDA) at the University of Lausanne. In 1997 he received a doctor's degree for his thesis Bedürfnis und Leistungsfähigkeit im Internationalen Unterhaltsrecht – Zum Anwendungsbereich von Art. 11 Abs. 2 des Haager Unterhaltsstatutsabkommens. In the same year he passed the German Second State Examination (Zweites Staatsexamen) after having articled as a Referendary at the Kammergericht in Berlin. From 1998 to 2003 he worked as scientific assistant (wissenschaftlicher Assistent) at the University of Heidelberg for Erik Jayme at the Institut for Foreign Law, Private International Law and International Commercial Law. Besides he worked as an assistant for Rudolf Nirk und Norbert Gross (barristers at the Bundesgerichtshof) from 1997 to 2001 and was called to the bar in 2001. In 2008 he habilitated with Die Naturalobligation – Rechtsfigur und Instrument des Rechtsverkehrs einst und heute (The Natural Obligation–Concept And Instrument of Legal Dealings Once And Today) in Heidelberg.[1] The publication was considered as "masterpiece"[2] and "having no equal concerning detail and conciseness".[3]
Die Naturalobligation – Rechtsfigur und Instrument des Rechtsverkehrs einst und heute. Zugleich Grundlegung einer Forderungslehre im Zivilrecht. (The Imperfect Obligation—Concept and Instrument Of Legal Dealings Once and Today).Habilitation, Heidelberg 2008.
Bedürfnis und Leistungsfähigkeit im Internationalen Unterhaltsrecht – Zum Anwendungsbereich von Art. 11 Abs. 2 des Haager Unterhaltsstatutsabkommens (= Art. 18 Abs. 7 EGBGB) und ihrer Bedeutung als narrativer Norm. (Needs and Resources In International Maintenance Law—The Scope of Art 11 Convention on the Law Applicable to Maintenance Obligations). (Dissertation, Heidelberg 1997).