Gudela Grote (born 4 December 1960) is a German psychologist and academic. She was educated in Germany and the United States, and established her career in Switzerland.[1][2]
Grote was appointed Assistant Professor at the ETH Zurich in 1992 and Associate Professor in 1997. Since 2000, she has been a full Professor for Work and Organizational Psychology at the Department of Management, Technology and Economics.[2]
Grote is Associate Editor of the journal Safety Science[4] as well as a member of the editorial board of several other journals. The topics she has widely published include organizational behavior, human factors, human resource management, and safety management. Her professional experience extends to engagements at the Swiss Railways, Swiss Re and public organizations, in particular the regulatory agencies.[2]
Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the German Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health[8]
Co-author (with Prof. Dr. Bruno Staffelbach from the University of Lucerne) for the biennial "Schweizer HR-Barometer", a representative survey of the working situation and employment relationship of employees in Switzerland[2]
Griffin, M. A., & Grote, G. (2020). When is more uncertainty better? A model of uncertainty regulation and effectiveness. Academy of Management Review.
Grote, G. (2020). Safety and autonomy: A contradiction forever? Safety Science.
Grote, G., Wäfler, A., Ryser, C., Weik, S., Zölch, M., & Windischer, A. (2019). Wie sich Mensch und Technik sinnvoll ergänzen – Die Analyse automatisierter Produktionssysteme mit Kompass, vdf Hochschulverlag, ISBN978-3-7281-2387-9
Grote, G. (2014) Die Bedeutung der Berufsrolle für Frauen in stabilen Partnerschaften – Ein Vergleich von Fallstudien, Universitätsverlag TU Berlin
Grote, G. & Raeder, S. (2012). Der psychologische Vertrag, Hogrefe, ISBN978-3-8017-2009-4
Grote, G. (2009) Management of Uncertainty - Theory and Application in the Design of Systems and Organizations, Springer London
Grote, G. (1997). Autonomie und Kontrolle – Zur Gestaltung automatisierter und risikoreicher Systeme, VDF Hochschulverlag ETH
Grote, G. & Künzler, C. (1996): Sicherheitskultur, Arbeitsorganisation und Technikeinsatz, VDF university publisher ETH