Polish journalist and sociologist
Grzegorz Lindenberg (born September 26, 1955) is a Polish journalist and sociologist . He is one of the co-founders of Gazeta Wyborcza , former General Director of Agora , founder and first editor-in-chief of Super Express , and one of founders of a right-wing anti-immigration website Euroislam.pl.[ 1] He was also the president of two online businesses (SuperMedia in 1996 and eCard in 2000).
In 1979 he obtained a degree in sociology. In 1985 he obtained a PhD Degree at the Institute of Sociology at the University of Warsaw . In the years 1985–1987 he was a researcher working at the Russian Research Center at Harvard University as part of a scholarship from the Kościuszko Foundation and a lecturer at the University of Boston .
From 1996 to 2004, he was a board member of the Stefan Batory Foundation in Warsaw .
Since 2001, he is an independent consultant.[ 2]
He is a brother to Jarosław Lindenberg .[ 3]
Zmiana społeczna a świadomość polityczna , Warsaw 1986
Świadomość społeczna wobec kryzysu i konfliktu społecznego (co-author; Krzysztof Nowak), Warsaw 1987
Anna Maria Goławska, Toskania i okolice: przewodnik subiektywny (photography author), Warsaw 2006 ISBN 9788373863279
Goławska, Anna Maria, and Grzegorz Lindenberg. Włochy: podróż na południe. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Nowy Świat, 2010.ISBN 9788373863934
Ludzkość poprawiona. Jak najbliższe lata zmienią świat w którym żyjemy , Wydawnictwo Otwarte , Warsaw 2018 ISBN 9788375155457
Wzbierająca fala. Europa wobec eksplozji demograficznej w Afryce , Fundacja Instytut Dyplomacji Europejskiej, Warsaw 2019 ISBN 9788395389108
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