In 2003, Onry Ozzborn and JFK, both members of the Pacific Northwest hip hop collective Oldominion, teamed up with bassist Rob Castro to form Grayskul. They recorded about 55 songs in 8 months at ATB Studios; these would eventually become the albums Creature, Thee Adventures! and Deadlivers.[4] After opening for Eyedea & Abilities, their music was brought to the attention of Rhymesayers Entertainment.[5]
Grayskul's label debut, Deadlivers, was released in 2005.[6] It featured guest appearances such as Canibus, Mr. Lif and Abstract Rude. The album also featured the song "Secret Wars", which featured the Oldominion emcees that had been in the group at the time.[7]
In 2007, Grayskul released their second album on Rhymesayers Entertainment, Bloody Radio,[8] this time with Onry Ozzborn going by the name Count Draven and JFK going by the name Count Magnus.[9] While this album excluded Rob Castro,[10]Cage, Slug and Aesop Rock provided guest verses.[11]
In 2009, Grayskul in collaboration with producer Maker released Graymaker on Taxidermy Records.[12] In an interview with Seattle Weekly, Onry Ozzborn said: "Of the albums we've done in the past, we've never had a whole project that's straight-ahead hip-hop ... People always say our stuff is dark, weird, bugged-out, but I think this one will catch people by surprise. [Maker's] beats in general made us write different. He uses more breakbeats, slower BPMs, so you'll be able to hear that."[13]