The eleventh series of the British television drama series Grange Hill began broadcasting on 5 January 1988, before ending on 11 March 1988 on BBC One. The series follows the lives of the staff and pupils of the eponymous school, an inner-city Londoncomprehensive school. It consists of twenty episodes.
As the school gates open for a new school year, Ziggy and Robbie wish it was still the summer holidays
Episode Two
Chris Ellis
Albert Barber
8 January 1988
Chrissy wants to be famous. Matthew decides to skip class.
Episode Three
David Angus
Albert Barber
12 January 1988
Ziggy and Robbie find themselves becoming involved in Gonch's latest money making scheme. Mr Bronson is shocked by Helen's excuse for not having done her homework.
Episode Four
David Angus
Albert Barber
15 January 1988
Ronnie is taken to see some hip hop being performed by her new friend Fiona. Georgina is upset when Mauler tries to kiss her.
Episode Five
David Angus
John Smith
19 January 1988
Matthew lies about what happened over the weekend. Tegs attempts to get even with Mauler.
Episode Six
David Angus
John Smith
22 January 1988
Gonch's money making scheme causes problems for himself.
Things go wrong when Mauler attempts to gain revenge on Tegs. Helen has a secret which she isn't telling anybody.
Episode Eight
Sarah Daniels
John Smith
29 January 1988
Laura isn't happy when she learns her mother has a new boyfriend. Mr Bronson gets even with Mauler.
Episode Nine
Margaret Simpson
Robert Gabriel
2 February 1988
Ronnie and Fiona practice their hip hop routine they have been working on. Danny offers to provide the sounds for them.
Episode Ten
Margaret Simpson
Robert Gabriel
5 February 1988
Freddie isn't happy when he learns he will have to learn dance instead of playing football. The boys decide to do something about Mauler.
Episode Eleven
Margaret Simpson
Robert Gabriel
9 February 1988
Gonch finds himself in trouble. Chrissy and Susi's badge idea becomes a craze around the school.
Episode Twelve
David Angus
Albert Barber
12 February 1988
Ronnie and Fiona enter the hip hop competition. Mrs Reagan throws a dinner party. Ronnie borrows some money from her mother without telling her.
Episode Thirteen
Kay Trainer
Albert Barber
16 February 1988
Mr McKenzie is worried about Matthew. Laura isn't happy with Simon's actions after she learns from Julia what he tried to do.
Episode Fourteen
Barry Purchese
Albert Barber
19 February 1988
Tegs takes Justine to tea at his aunt’s house but it turns out not to be his aunt’s house after all. Freddie is upset that Mr Robson isn't picking the best players for the school's football team.
Episode Fifteen
Barry Purchese
Albert Barber
23 February 1988
Ziggy gets a group together to help deal with Mauler, but Mr. Griffiths ends up getting in the way. Ronnie is tempted into shoplifting but ends up getting caught.
Episode Sixteen
Barry Purchese
John Smith
26 February 1988
Matthew tells Mr. Mackenzie about his drunken father. Calley and the girls decide to own up about their shoplifting in an effort to help Ronnie.
Episode Seventeen
Barry Purchese
John Smith
1 March 1988
Gonch starts a new baby sitting business with Ziggy, but first he needs to get them some temporary girlfriends. The girls own up to Mrs McCluskey about their shoplifting.
Episode Eighteen
Barry Purchese
John Smith
4 March 1988
The girls learn a tough lesson from Mrs McCluskey about shop lifting. Both Calley and Robbie get ready to go on their first date together but when Calley is late Robbie thinks he has been stood up.
Episode Nineteen
Margaret Simpson
John Smith
8 March 1988
The police issue Ronnie with a caution. Efforts to finally get Calley and Robbie together don't go to plan.
Episode Twenty
Margaret Simpson
Robert Gabriel
11 March 1988
It's "Wear What You Like" day on the final day of term. Mauler's gang have one last chance to get even with Ziggy before he may leave the school for good.
Release History
As of 2022, The eleventh series of Grange Hill has not been released on DVD
In July 2022, the eleventh series was added to the streaming platform BritBox