The Glasgow Fechtbuch (MS E.1939.65.341 in the R. L. Scott Collection of the Glasgow Museums in Glasgow, Scotland) is a combat manual of the German school of fencing, dated to 1505.
Consisting of 105 folia, it combines the instructions of various masters of the 15th century who stood in the tradition of Johannes Liechtenauer, presumably based on a previous compilation made by fencing master Sigmund Schining ein Ringeck.
Blossfechten (longsword and messer)
1r - 22r Gloss of Liechtenauer's longswordBlossfechten by Ringeck (fragment)
22v - 24r Additional longsword material by Ringeck
27r - 29v Additional longsword material by Andres Juden, Jobs von der Nyssen, Nicolas Preussen, and Hans Döbringer (viz., the same "other masters" as referenced in MS 3227a)
35r (Image of a seated master, possibly Liechtenauer, reminiscent of the depiction in Cod. 44 A 8)